
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Next Chapter

 Just talking about money makes me profoundly uncomfortable. I'm quick to pick up the check just to not have to hear people go back and forth. As well if at any given moment I come up on some money I always find a way to spend it just as quickly as it appeared. When I was younger this wasn’t really an issue, since money wasn’t something I necessarily wanted or cared about. Being a poor, hustling scavenger in your 20's was normal and just made you feel edgy/resourceful. However, as you get older, being broke starts to make you feel like a tragic unsuccessful loser. Basically, now that I’m in my late twenties, money has suddenly become something I want, desperately, in large quantities, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get it. I suppose this is because as we age things like comfort and stability become more important to us. And considering that I still live with a roommate and pay check to pay check, it’s evident that my life is neither comfortable nor stable (dammit!). So now I find myself for the first time EVER interviewing for jobs that I swore I would never want or do. It is happening. My closet full of thrift store gems are suddenly unsuitable for this new corporate me. It seemed not to long ago that I was content waking up at those late morning hours, taking my time as I drank coffee and listened to music. Those days are dwindling. I cant really see any other way I can achieve what I am looking for if I don't make the necessary sacrifices now.